[oracle@smsdbrac1 oracle]$ rman target / rman: can't open target这是由于调用的是非Oracle的RMAN的缘故:
[oracle@smsdbrac1 oracle]$ which rman /usr/X11R6/bin/rman在X11R6下存在一个名为rman的命令:
[oracle@smsdbrac1 bin]$ ./rman -help rman [-f <ASCII|roff|TkMan|Tk|Sections|HTML|XML|MIME|LaTeX|LaTeX2e|RTF|pod>] [-S(ource of man page passed in)] [-F(ormatted man page passed in)] [-r <man reference printf string>] [-l <title printf string>] [-V(olume) <colon-separated list>] [-U(RLs as hyperlinks)] [-b (show subsections)] [-k(eep head/foot)] [-n(ame of man page) <string>] [-s(ection) <string>] [-p(aragraph mode toggle)] [-t(abstops spacing) <number>] [-N(ormalize spacing, changebars)] [-y (zap hyphens toggle)] [-K (declare that page has no breaks)] [-d(iff) <file> (diff of old page source to incorporate)] [-M(essage) <text> (included verbatim at end of Name section)] [-R(ebus words for TkMan)] [-C (enable Tcl/Tk formatting)] [-o (no op)] [-O <arg> (no op with arg)] [-q(uiet--don't report warnings)] [-h(elp)] [-v(ersion)] [<filename>]修正这个问题,我们只需要在Oracle用户的环境变量下,将$ORACLE_HOME/bin放在PATH变量前就可以了:
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:${PATH}:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin重新登录使环境变量生效,现在Oracle能找到正确的rman了:
[oracle@smsdbrac1 oracle]$ su - oracle Password: [oracle@smsdbrac1 oracle]$ which rman ~/product/10.2.0/db/bin/rman转载链接: